Success in simple terms is the absence of failure, though debated a lot, in almost all languages; social set ups, cultures and business establishments it is still undefined. Being undefined doesn’t mean you cannot figure out what actually success is but your view about success can be different to the one another individual or a group has.
The difference of the definition of success in all the concerns is due to the difference in nature of events and requirements. Definition, principles, and exposure of success differ from situation to situation and in fact time to time as well. The components of success, i.e. determination, confidence, knowledge, potential, expertise etc, are, however, same in all cases with the variation in the composition ratio.
This article aims to focus knowledge with special reference to success. And when knowledge is being discussed it’s crucial to have an overview of Education as knowledge and Education are closely related to each other. Role of Education in Success is same as the role of knowledge.
Defined as ‘the process of changing the behaviors in desired direction’, Education stands not only as a tool of success but a road towards it. Knowledge expands the vision that increases the probability of success, and education by changing the behaviors in desired directions (positive) provides a platform for that vision to get expanded, as a result of such one becomes able to outline the strategies in much better way.
Providing opportunities for minds to explore the arenas of different fields, Education brings up with the ultimate and updated knowledge that levels the ground for potentials to grow, determination to get stronger, confidence to get build and ways to get clear. And once all the components are arranged in an order the ultimate result is nothing other than success.
The important point to ponder here is that, whether ‘education’ means only and only ‘Academics []’ in this regard? Certainly not! It can either be academic or non academic. It starts from knowing, and knowing can be about anything. Yes, knowing about the things, useful and related to day-to-day matter has close connection with success in day-to-day concerns, knowing about professional matters leads towards the success in profession, knowing about relations helps to be socially successful and so on. In a nut shell, Education itself is a ‘success’ as a whole.
So, start knowing about things rounds you, and if nothing is there read and explore, a